Thank you for your interest in serving internationals. In order to remain in good standing with the universities that our students attend our Volunteer Policy states that volunteers need to be screened using a background check. Please click the following button to complete the consent form for a background check.
Complete IFI Background Check
Frequently Asked Questions about Background checks
- Why does IFI require a Background Check?
In 2011, a university asked us to have our volunteers undergo a background check. In order to keep the doors of ministry open we decided to require it of all volunteers who have direct contact with students in their home or one-on-one outside of their home. The only exceptions are made for university students or staff since many universities have already required they do a background check. - How will IFI protect my social security and other personal information?
With the identity theft that is going on today, we certainly need to be careful whom we give our information to. That is why IFI is committed to keeping your data private and secure, so we have partnered with Protect My Ministry. This organization is also utilized by the Southern Baptist Convention, the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod, the Church of the Nazarene to name a few. They are a reputable background checking organization, and will be keeping all of the data secure. You may learn more about them here: - What if something shows up on my Background check?
We consider each situation on a case by case basis. We will look at the whole picture and take into consideration that it may not reflect your current life character development. We will not be sharing the results of this with any university staff or anywhere else. - Can I send you the results of a Background check I have already had for work or other organization?
We will not accept background checks or copies of background checks from other organizations.
There are only 3 exceptions to this policy:
- You will be doing an activity that does not involve direct contact with students.
- You are a student, scholar, or staff member at a university we serve on.
- You are an international with a temporary visa status.
If any of these exceptions apply to you, please contact us and let us know now.
We are asking all IFI volunteers to consider a donation of $10 to help IFI defray the cost of completing background checks. If you would like to donate, please use one of these options below.
You may print a copy of our new volunteer policy here.
We look forward to partnering with you!
Ways to help defray the cost of Background Checks:
- Use your bank’s ONLINE BILL PAY or mail a check to:
International Friendships, Inc.
PO Box 933319
CLEVELAND OH 44193Please write “BACKGROUND CHECK – EAST LANSING” on the check memo line or in the memo or account field in your online bill payer.
- Credit Card online (see form on this page)